The Scientific Body of the European Commission Says Aluminum is Safe in Cosmetics
by Ou Viola onThe Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) is responsible for advising the European Commission on the health and safety risks of non-food consumer products, and has adopted a final opinion on the safety of aluminum in cosmetics. The committee believes that aluminum can generally be used safely in antiperspirants, toothpastes and lipsticks at the concentrations at which these products are formulated and sold.CSSC’s final comments...
Laws and Regulation » regulation
The Scientific Body of the European Commission Says Aluminum is Safe in Cosmetics
The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) is responsible for advising the European Commission on the health and safety risks of non-food consumer products, and has adopted a final opinion on the safety of aluminum in cosmetics. The committee believes that aluminum can generally be used safely in antiperspirants, toothpastes and lipsticks at the concentrations at which these products are formulated and sold.CSSC’s final comments...