• How To Choose The Color Of Lipstick

    How To Choose The Color Of Lipstick
    We know that color has three basic attributes, also known as the three elements of color, namely hue (H), saturation/purity (S) and lightness (B). Generally speaking, the purpose of our lipstick is to make the complexion look better, that is, to make the color of the lips more vivid and more prominent on the face, referred to as “showing complexion”. Gao Zan’s answer is...
  • Makeup Artist – Val Garland

    Makeup Artist – Val Garland
    “You do need to be active on social media, but the key is to figure out who you want to be and how you want others to see you. I don’t want to keep posting meaningless beauty photos just to stay active.” Val Garland Makeup artist Val Garland is from the UK and was appointed as L’Oréal’s global cosmetics director in May 2017. As...
  • Create Private Label Cosmetics

    Create Private Label Cosmetics
    Over the past few years, a small but promising league of women-led natural brands of all sizes has entered the beauty scene of companies such as Kjaer Weis, Monk Oil and CAP Beauty. Perhaps this rise of women-founded business in the skin care sector has made you think I can do it — and it should. There are more than 30.2 million SMEs in...
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